Best Bike Roof Rack Reminder

Bike Roof Rack Reminder

Thanks to our bike rack reminder window cling -on the way to our favorite riding in Grand Junction and Fruita we avoided smashing our bikes at one fast-food drive-through and the low overhanging branches as we pulled into our rental lodging.

Bike roof rack safety

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Avoid Road Trip Drive Thru Blues

It’s inevitable - road trip fast food. We know at least three people who ruined, bike(s), car, and dinged up the drive-thru by forgetting their toy(s) are on top...(We may or may not be related to one of those people.) 

Use our window cling reminder to avoid drive-thru disaster.

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On the road - First Stop FRUITA!


First stop on our LOOKUPDUMMY mountain biking road trip is Fruita, CO! Well, really Grand Junction’s Lunch Loops and Fruita’s Kokopelli trails. Our favorite rides (once we arrive with our bikes intact, thanks to our window cling reminder) are: 

1) Holy Cross

2) Horsethief Bench

3) Gunny Loop and Connector

4) quick laps on Rustler

5) Mack’s Ridge 

6) Geez....we could go on forever!!!  





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So grateful for all of the positive reviews...

Travel safely with bikes on your roof carrier using lookupdummy windowcling reminder.
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Roof rack protection for skis, snow boards, fat bikes, and rocket boxes

Love to ski, but long for when we can throw the bikes back up on the roof rack and RIDE!

Roof rack skis, snowboards, fat bikes, and rocket boxes

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