Best Bike Roof Rack Reminder

Bike/Rack/Van/Adventure Peace of Mind

Vanlife Bike Rack ReminderAvoid the expensive hassle of ruining your car, bike, or adventure by taking one moment to peel and place our removable/reusable bike (toy) rack reminder in your front window BEFORE the wheels start rolling. #yakima #thule #rockymount #kuat 



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...completely forgot his bike was on a roof rack, mangling...

Ok, you get it. Now get a bike rack reminder.

Protect your bikes as they are transported to and from riding with our bike rack reminder.

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Spring riding! Get out there and back - safely - with your bike rack reminder!

Avoid a bike rack crash with our bike roof rack reminder
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Crap! I just GARAGED my bike! Now I call my insurance agent...

crashed my bike into my garage now I call my insurance guy

I was talking to my insurance agent, and he said that he hears from his clients that they've driven into their garage with their bike on top of my car, smashed them into fast food drive-thrus, and he even said they hit a parking garage barrier. I sent him some of our bike rack reminders to give to his clients.

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You'd think we'd remember...get your bike rack reminder - just in case.

You'd think that we'd remember all the effort we took to put our bikes on the roofs of our cars, but just in case, use our bike roof rack reminder.

Just in case we forget our bike is on the roof rack. Get our bike rack reminder.

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