Tell Us Your Story Bike Rack Crashes
Avoid Fast Food Drive-thru Bike Rack DI$A$TER!
"Before a rally a few weeks back, I cruised through the drive through for a breakfast burrito... It ended up being a $70.00 breakfast... No, I didn't order that much. I thought I had enough clearance.... I was 99% for sure that I had driven through that one before. I guess not." Triathlete -K
Roof racks can transport your gear safely, easily, and in style...but you have to remember your gear is on top!
Tell us your story of the time you forgot your gear on top of your car. And prevent it ever happening again with a gear rack reminder.
"I have a buddy with a roof rack who's nailed his bike a couple times, totaled it once."
Uh oh...I failed to realize my bike was on the roof and ranmed into carport
"I have a 2005 Honda Accord with Thule rack installed. One day after returning from a ride, I failed to realize that my bike was on the roof, and pulled into my carport. I was notified of the presence of my bike by a loud crunching noise. The bike was on a fork mounted carrier, and was resting nose down on the car. The tip of the seat barely caught the steel beam supporting the roof of the carport, and pushed the bike backwards, dislodging the roof rack from the car breaking the bike rack itself, and denting the car door sill. Thankfully, the bike seems perfectly fine, but I need a way to remind myself, so there is not a next time. After some googling, I found lookupdummy. The end for now, hopefully forever"
~DJ Park April 5 2020
A simple, great idea to avoid killing your bike, rack, and car roof!
Think of a Colorform sticker for your car. Easy on, easy off. Reusable forever.